Sunday was a tremendous day for me, and I hope many others, at our church. Why you ask? Because people sang. …And not well.
What? You read that correctly. This will be a short and sweet blog entry. An entire stage was full of guys leading the Praise Team who could barely carry a tune if given buckets. The Praise Team leader was hoarse, 2/3s of them were pitchy as the Yankees bullpen, and some barely knew the words. So why all the favor, Michael?
Well, I’ll tell you why. At no place in the Gospel, New or Old Testament, have I been able to find a prerequisite for perfect pitch, proper tone, and exquisite volume control. No queries on vibrato can be located. Nope. Instead, what you’ll find is the encouragement to let go of yourself and sing for HIM! May He be glorified with your heart and mind expressed through song.
David’s public ministry began with soothing King Saul’s afflictions in 1st Samuel 16. The first song of the Bible is offered in Exodus 15. Do you know what was being celebrated? That same song was the last offered in the Bible in Revelation 15. There are dozens of encouragements to sing in the Psalms – 7:17, 9:2, 13:6, 21:13, 27:6, 30:4, 57:7, 66:2, 71:22-23, 92:1, 135:3, 145:7, 146:2, 147:1, 149:1, and many more.
We sing with shared understanding in Psalm 47:7 and 1st Corinthians 14:14-15. We sing with our sons in 1st Chronicles 6:31-38. We sing with love in our hearts in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16. We lead people to sing when they are joyed or troubled in James 5:13 and Acts 16:25.
We sing to PRAISE the Lord, not each other. This requires no skill, just love of the Almighty. …And my brothers took the stage and led the congregation this weekend in rejoicing before the Lord. Much to my delight as well I might add. What a day! Sing without care for what your neighbors may think or say, my brothers and sisters. Always remember Who you’re singing for. 😉
I pray you all be as salt and light.